Saturday, July 13, 2013

Big Eyes, Small Fridge

I have a fruit addiction. It's bad, guys. I know it sounds like the least problematic addiction around, and maybe even pretty healthy, but think about it this way: There's absolutely no way one girl can eat 9 peaches, 3 grapefruits, 2 apples, 2 pears, a watermelon, two pints of strawberries, and a bag of cherries in the 4-5 day shelf life that it has once purchased. So I buy it all, then eat at a normal pace, and about 3 days in, I realize I've made a huge mistake.

Life is just a bowl of cherries!

Thanks heavens for baking.

This time the cherries were the ones neglected, so I had to come up with something to do with them. I made clafoutis--a flan-like dessert. It's delicious, and frankly you can pass it off as breakfast because of its eggy, custard-like texture. (I'm pretty good at justifying eating weird things for breakfast.)

It turned out delicious, cleared up some fridge space, and saved me from wasting a few dollars. But let's not go around assuming I've learned some lesson; I'm sure my next trip to the grocery store will yield the same results.

Looks kind of breakfasty, right?

Cherry Clafoutis

1 lb fresh or frozen cherries, pitted and stemmed
1 c whole milk
1/4 c heavy whipping cream
4 large eggs
1/2 c flour
1/2 c sugar
3/4 tsp lemon zest
3/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
powdered sugar

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Butter a 10-inch round pan, or 8 individual ramekins. Arrange cherries on the bottom.

Combine milk and cream in a small saucepan; bring to a summer over medium heat. Set aside. Combine eggs, flour, sugar, zest, vanilla, and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk to blend. Gradually whisk in the liquid until smooth. Pour evenly over cherries. Bake until set and golden-brown; 30 minutes for ramekins, or 45-55 minutes for a cake pan. Let cool for 3 minutes, then run a knife along the edges to loosen.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into wedges just before serving.


1 comment:

  1. This looks delicious - and not too sweet! I like.

    Also the first thing I thought of was the song from the Fosse, but after googling it I found the original that I think I like even MORE:

    It's almost a certainty I'll use this in a mix soon. What a great song... to match a great recipe. :)
